It was so cute to watch the girls whisper to each other, giggle, and be overall very excited for a couple of days preceding my B-day.
"Mom, you'll never guess what kind of surprise we are preparing for you!" , they'll each come and tell me once in the morning, then in the afternoon, and then again in the evening. I was on the cloud nine! My heart was just singing to see how much I am loved!
When the B-day came I was showered with attention and gifts!
I didn't have to wait till evening to get all my surprises, so creatively thought threw. During our morning break I was seated at the head of the table, covered with golden table cloth, suited for any royalty. The table was charmingly decorated with two hand picked bouquets, and then it was time for me to see my cake!
Oh, it was the most beautiful, delicious and wonderful cake ever! It was Diane who baked me an Angel cake,and Ivana helped her with preparing and covering it with the chocolate frosting.
Balloons, cake, flowers, hugs and kisses. I was showered with everybody's attention! I was so happy already, but they all though that I needed gifts!
I got a hand sewn handkerchief with white lace and a ribbon in the corner from Ivana. She used the same fabric Diane had used to sew Leona her summer dress. It came with a velvet box to keep it in. I got two pictures from Leona and Milana. I got a jar with molasses and a jar with raw honey from Phil and Diane. I got a granola bar that we used to buy in Quick Check in Lafayette, NJ, whenever we would be passing by.
"It's a little reminder from home, my dear", Mirek told me with a laugh. "There is another one in the car, but it was too crumbled, so I packed only this one". Well, that crumbled one did not live too long either. They truly were a sweet reminder from home!
There was another surprise waiting for me. Mirek wanted to take me out for dinner to a local Italian restaurant. It is a small local place that is open only two hours in the morning, and then another couple of hours in the evening. The owner enjoys spending time with his family and the odd hours are respected by the patrons. But the truth is, I didn't need to go to a restaurant to feel special on my B-day. Every day living with my wonderful man is special to me!
So, I stayed on the farm. And I, on the other hand, had prepared a surprise of my own. I wanted to treat everybody and made crapes for dinner. They came out great and the choice of filling (fresh strawberries, peaches, or banana and peanut butter) was a yummy addition.
Ivana played "Happy Birthday to you" tune on her violin, we played some "BAD MITTEN" together (that is how badminton is pronounced in Ohio!) and made fire in the evening.
Wouldn't you call it the best birthday party ever?
Thanks for sharing your special day! We also celebrated Hannah's 7th birthday this weekend. Her birthday is on the 6th. It sounds like you had a good supply of love given to you. Did you also get fireworks? :-) Take care. Nathalie
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